More Medical Devices Are Found To Be Vulnerable To Hacking
Things continue to worsen on the smart medical device front. Recently, the USDA issued a recall order on six different models of pacemakers, all of which were vulnerable to hacks that would have allowed the hackers to literally kill the patients who relied on them. This is hardly a new development, and the government has […]
BLOKWORX, Inc. Named to MSSP Alert Top 100 Managed Security Services Providers List

Inaugural List Identifies and Honors Leading MSSPs & Cybersecurity Companies That Safeguard Customers’ Digital Assets September 28, 2017, San Francisco, CA: MSSP Alert, published by After Nines Inc., has named BLOKWORX, Inc. to the Top 100 MSSPs list for 2017 ( The list and research identify and honor the top 100 managed security services providers […]