Prevention - centric cybersecurity
Managed Extended Detection and Response





Enhanced Security Operations with Managed XDR:

Similar to our EDR platform, Managed XDR provides added data and telemetry for our SOC to be more actionable and efficient in defending your environment. Data from tools in our stack feed into the XDR platform to provide our engineers a platform to monitor thoroughly, connect the dots should a threat present itself, generate clear reports, and act responsively.

Comprehensive Visibility and Actionability with Managed XDR:

Managed XDR is offered alongside our EDR, EPP, Cloud, and Firewall Management platforms to ensure complete visibility of the network, eliminate blind spots between the tools, and provide ultimate actionability to our SOC supporting your team. Just like the rest of our solution stack, Managed XDR is designed and deployed to reduce your teams’ workload so that you can sleep better at night understanding that BLOKWORX is protecting your clients from every possible angle, providing you the best in cybersecurity protection, as well as ultimate scalability for your business.

Security Functions We Displace

Why Managed MXDR from BLOKWORX?

Replace SIEM & SOAR


Better Visibility of the Network


Reduced Response Time

Data Source Flexibility with Turnkey Integrations

Normalized & Enriched Data for Ease of Analysis

Meaningful Event Correlation Powered by AI

Sensor-Driven Data Collection Capability

Meet Compliance and Insurance Expectations

Want to know more about MXDR services provided by BLOKWORX?

 Schedule a call with our experts to discuss what MXDR can do for you or your clients to advance your security.