Prevention - centric cybersecurity

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This monthly newsletter is designed to arm SMBs, C-Suite, and MSPs with top insights and trends shaping the cybersecurity landscape in order to protect your business.

Wishing you and your families Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year!

#1: Keep holiday scams away, don’t let hackers have the final sleigh


As online fraud grows in volume and sophistication, we must secure endpoints in real-time to keep the Grinch away from the presents under the tree. A distributed workforce has brought the battle to each endpoint’s doorstep, making preventive cybersecurity more important than ever. Protect your customers and employees during the holidays with scaled solutions that provide 24/7/365 support.

#2: Cybersecurity predictions for 2021


Some attack vectors are not likely to go away soon, whether they’re DDoS attacks targeted at media and retail companies or VPN and legacy endpoint exploits caused by the transition to remote work. By working with our experts, you can develop a future-forward strategy to secure your network without sacrificing customer experience or employee morale.

#3: Cybercriminals go after Microsoft users


With global cybercrime costs projected to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, SMB spending on network security will rise astronomically. Although migrating to the cloud has universal benefits to businesses of all sizes, it invites serious vulnerabilities across email, storage, real-time collaboration, or other use cases. A scaled solution that reduces overhead costs and combines state-of-the-art technology with human monitoring is the only way to prevent tomorrow’s threats.

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