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Protecting Your Business from Advanced Cyber Threats: How BLOKWORX Secures Your Digital Frontier


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, threat actors continually formulate new methods to exploit vulnerabilities. A recent report by Check Point Research highlights a sophisticated attack involving zero-day vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, specifically using Internet Shortcut files to lure victims. This type of attack, identified as CVE-2024-38112, highlights the importance of robust and prevention-centric cybersecurity measures.

At BLOKWORX, we are dedicated to safeguarding your business from such advanced cyber threats. Here’s how our comprehensive cybersecurity solutions can prevent attacks like these:

    Proactive Threat Detection

Our advanced threat detection systems leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify and mitigate potential threats before they can cause harm. By continuously monitoring network traffic and analyzing behavioral patterns, BLOKWORX can detect anomalies that may indicate a zero-day exploit or other malicious activity.

   MVAP: Managed Vulnerability Assessment Platform

Regular vulnerability assessments and timely patch management are crucial in preventing attacks like CVE-2024-38112. BLOKWORX offers vulnerability scanning to ensure your systems are always up-to-date with the latest security patches, minimizing the risk of exploitation.

   MAED + EDR: Managed Advanced Endpoint Defense + Endpoint Detection and Response

Endpoints are often the weakest link in an organization’s security posture. Our endpoint protection solution provide comprehensive security for all devices connected to your network. Even if an attacker attempts to exploit a vulnerability, our multi-layered, prevention-centric behavioral analysis module powered by Deep Instinct will block the zero-day attack before it can compromise your systems.

   SCUD + CDR: Secure Cloud Unified Defense + Content Disarm & Reconstruction

Phishing attacks and malicious links are common vectors for delivering exploits. BLOKWORX’s email and SaaS solutions filter out malicious emails and report on dangerous activity and anomalies, while also allowing sandbox views of dangerous links via the portal. This proactive approach ensures that threats are neutralized before they reach the user.

   Security Awareness

Human error is often a significant factor in successful cyberattacks. BLOKWORX provides comprehensive security awareness content to educate your clients and the community about the latest threats and best practices for maintaining security. By fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, we empower your workforce to recognize and avoid potential threats. For more content, check out our podcast and live stream on The Safety Brief.

   Human Validation

In the unfortunate event of a security breach, rapid response is essential to minimize damage. BLOKWORX offers 24/7/365 US- Based SOC services to quickly identify, contain, and mediate any security incidents. Our expert team will work with you to restore normal operations and implement measures to prevent future attacks.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, it is crucial to stay ahead of the curve with comprehensive and proactive security measures. BLOKWORX is committed to protecting your business from advanced threats like the CVE-2024-38112 exploit. A Microsoft official patch for CVE-2024-38112 was released on July 9. Windows users are recommended to apply the patch as soon as possible and be especially vigilant about .url files from untrusted sources.

Trust BLOKWORX to be your partner in cybersecurity, providing the expertise and solutions you need to safeguard your organization against the ever-present threat of cyberattacks.

For more information on how BLOKWORX can protect your business, contact us today.