

If You Use Photoshop, Update Immediately

Do you use Photoshop? Does anyone who works for you use it?  If so, you’ll want to apply the latest security patch immediately. Two new vulnerabilities were discovered after the release of...

New Intel Vulnerability Named Foreshadow Found

Intel has had a tough time of things so far this year.  The most recent trouble stems from yet another newly discovered security flaw in the company’s processors, bearing the inelegant name of...

Macs Can Be Hacked With Synthetic Dismissal On Warning Boxes

Depending on the lens you view him through, Patrick Wardle (former hacker for the NSA and macOS security expert) is either your best friend or your worst nightmare. Most people (whether fans of Apple...

Fax Machines Might Be Gateway To Next Hacker Attack

Nothing bad could possibly happen to your company’s network if the only piece of information the hackers have is your fax number, right? Unfortunately not, according to recent research by...

Cortana May Have Flaw Allowing Unauthorized System Access 

Researchers at McAfee have demonstrated a method that hackers could use to perform an end-run around Cortana and access data, run malicious code, or even change a locked computer’s password.  In...

Android Still Tracking Users With Location History Turned Off

According to Google’s support page on the matter, disabling your phone’s “Location History” in your phone’s privacy settings will prevent Google from tracking every move...

Social Media App Filters Could Alter Beauty Perception

File this one away under “unintended consequences.”  There’s a newly emerging trend in the medical community called “Snapchat Dysmorphia” that’s leaving plastic...

Survey Shows People Are Most Concerned About Data Theft

How seriously does the average consumer take data theft?  It’s an interesting (and fair) question, and one that Radware recently attempted to answer when the company sent out surveys. They...

PGA Golf Organization Gets Hit By Ransomware

These days, we expect giant corporations, government agencies and medical facilities to be the targets of hackers. However, golf is something new. According to a recent report from GolfWeek, the...