

Connecting To Aiport Wi-Fi Puts Your Data At Risk

File this away under things you already knew.  Coronet recently released a report entitled “Attention All Passengers:  Airport Networks Are Putting Your Devices & Cloud Apps At Severe...

Twitter Is Getting Tough On Apps

Twitter has long had a reputation for being at the mercy of bots that have been used to sway public discourse and opinion. Often, these bots are controlled via Twitter API apps that allow the authors...

Microsoft Working On Delay Feature For Windows 10 Update Installs

If you’ve used Windows 10 for any length of time, you’ve probably had this happen to you.  You’re right in the middle of working on something important, and all of a sudden, your OS...

E-Mail Is A Big Threat To Your Organization

Mimecast’s 2018 “State of Email Security” report is out, and although it’s contents are hardly a surprise, the news it contains is mostly bad. For starters, it confirms what...

Chrome Now Shows Sites Without SSL as Not Secure 

There is a small but significant change from Google, with the release of Chrome 68.  The updated browser will now prominently notify browsers when they surf their way to non-HTTPS websites, displaying...

Bluetooth Vulnerability Allows Hackers To Access Devices 

There’s a new Bluetooth security vulnerability to be aware of, tracked as CVE-2018-5383, and it’s a nasty one. It’s a cryptographic vulnerability that affects firmware or operating...

Girl Scouts Can Now Earn New Badges For High Technical Skills

The girl scouts have officially moved into the 21st century. The Girl Scouts of America recently announced the creation of a whole raft of new badges that address (in the organization’s words)...

Hackers May Set Their Sights On Your GPS Next

If you’re like most people, you probably rely heavily on the GPS function of your phone.  Type in an address and your phone helpfully guides you, turn by turn, to your destination.  It’s...

New Report Shows 32 Percent Increase In Cyber Attacks

Positive Technologies has just released a new report that paints a grim picture for IT professionals.  If your sense is that the number of cyberattacks are increasing, you’re not wrong. In fact...