

Font Not Found Message In Firefox Could Carry Nasty Malware

Several months ago, a nasty malware attack caused quite a stir among Google Chrome users. After a flurry of activity, it went dormant. Now, it seems to have returned, and this time, it’s targeting...

Android System Update App On Play Store Contained Spyware

If you’ve recently downloaded an app called SMAVova, you’re not alone. Between one and five million users have done the same. Unfortunately, that’s a problem, and to be safe, you’ll want to reset your...

You Should Be Concerned Over Employees Sharing Private Company Information

Dell has recently released the findings from their End-User Security Survey, and the results will probably keep you up late at night with worry. Their key finding was that an overwhelming percentage...

Scam May Claim To Be Department of Health and Human Services

There’s a new phone-based scam making the rounds that you need to be aware of. In this case, the scammers are spoofing the number of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the...

New Microsoft Edge Browser Flaw Could Leave Passwords Vulnerable

Manuel Caballero has been a busy man. If you haven’t heard of him, he’s a security researcher and blogger who made a name for himself identifying a variety of critical security flaws in the old...

WannaCry Ransomware Runs Rampant – New Variants Found

This past Friday, a new ransomware threat burst onto the scene globally in what was described as an attack “unprecedented in its scale.” Before the original version was stopped by a young, anonymous...

Latest Credit Card Breach Hits Holiday Inn

IHG, The Intercontinental Hotels Group, which owns Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn, has recently announced a serious data breach that impacted 1174 of its franchise locations. The company reports that...

Large Percentage Of Ransomware Victims Paying Ransom For Files

The landscape of ransomware attacks is changing. When the malicious software first hit the internet a couple years back, it did so in a big way, primarily targeting large hospitals, insurance...

HIPAA Fines Continue; New Focus On Signed Business Associate Agreements

Last year, the Department of Health and Human Services made headlines by issuing more than a dozen hefty fines to big companies that deal with Protected Health Information for noncompliance with HIPAA...