The year of 2016 saw more high-profile data breaches than at any time in the history of the internet. 2017 stands to break the record. With data breaches on the rise, the results from the most recent...
If you’re somewhat slow to adopt cutting edge technology, you may well still be using a phone that’s on an old 2G Network. If that’s the case, you should know that AT&T shut down its 2G network on...
Another day, another type of smart device proven vulnerable to hacking. In this case, the latest IoT (Internet of Things) devices to fall victim are Samsung SmartCam cameras. These cloud-enabled...
Security researchers have recently discovered an odd strain of malware they’ve dubbed “Fruitfly,” which has been specifically targeted at biotech companies. It would be a mistake to call this a new...
The YouTube sensation “EverythingApplePro” has a reputation for finding odd bugs and exploits in iPhones and iPads. A newly added pair of videos on the channel’s page reveals two quirky ways you can...
Recently, Consumer Reports did something they have literally never done before. They failed to recommend the latest Apple laptop (the MacBook Pro) for purchase. The reason? When they conducted a...
By now, almost everyone is aware that Adobe Systems’ Flash Player is in trouble. Critical security issues are being reported faster than the company can fix them, but kudos to Adobe for gamely...
Given the number of high profile data breaches that occurred in 2016, it’s hard to believe that anyone would still be using obvious or insecure passwords. But that’s is what the latest survey from...
Improving technology and a social media habit are converging in an unfortunate way that is opening the door for a new kind of hacking. Now, not even your selfies are safe. Here’s what’s happening:...