Prevention - centric cybersecurity


If your Point Of Sale Uses Oracle, Update Now

Oracle is currently the third-largest provider of POS (Point of Sale) software on the market today, which means that there’s a fairly good chance you’re using an Oracle POS system.  If you...

Fitness Trackers Could Be A National Security Risk

If ever there were two phrases that didn’t seem to go together, they would probably be “Fitness trackers” and “National Security Risk.”  The very idea that a simple...

700,000 Potentially Malicious Apps Removed From Google Last Year

Google recently released their Play Store stats for 2017.  The results are both encouraging and disheartening.  Overall, Google caught and removed more than 700,000 malicious apps from the Play Store...

iPhone Throttling Issue To Be Addressed In Upcoming Update

Recently, Apple found itself in hot water with its normally adoring user base. This happened when it became known that the company was intentionally throttling (slowing down) the speed of older...

Electronic Health Record Company “Allscripts” Hit By Ransomware

Another day, another high-profile ransomware attack.  This time, the victim was Allscripts, an EHR (Electronic Health Record) company that hospitals, pharmacies, and ambulatory centers around the...

Performance Issues Plague PC’s Updated With Spectre Patch

Recently a critical flaw was found inside every Intel chip made during the last decade.  The flaw makes two different exploits possible.  These exploits have been dubbed “Meltdown” and...