Comcast might be best known for its cable service, but they also sell home security systems. Many businesses use Xfinity, or a comparably engineered security system. That’s why recent developments are...
If you’ve been keeping tabs on the comings and doings at the Microsoft Store, you may have noticed the appearance of a mysterious new app called “The Cellular Data App.” According to the description...
Are you as productive as you could be? Do you feel as though you’ve got plenty of time to get everything done? If so, then give yourself a pat on the back. You’re in a tiny minority. For the rest of...
File this one away under “unlikely but true.” The story reads like something from a pulp science fiction novel. US Marshals descended on a booth at CES (the Consumer Electronics Show), which is the...
Customers come in all shapes and sizes, but broadly speaking, they tend to fall into five major categories. Recognizing them will go a long way toward helping you deal with each type as you encounter...
With all the prominent hacks making headlines last year, it just makes sense to start looking around for security solutions you can use every day in order to better secure your own data. That way, in...
Another day, another report of a large company data breach. The victim this time was Hyatt, and the breach impacted a total of 318 of their 627 properties. The culprit in this latest successful hack...
It’s no secret – not all software is created equally. Some products are blasted from the moment they are released, others are greeted with cautious optimism, and a very few are readily embraced by an...
It happens. The day comes when your old, reliable laptop gets traded in for a new model with more bells and whistles, a faster CPU and more storage space. Unfortunately, with Moore’s Law still in...