

Secure Siri To Keep Your Information Safe On Your iPhone

Can You Trust Siri? Apple has long claimed that one of its chief advantages over Android and Windows devices is greater security. There’s a lot of truth to that, but there seems to be one glaring flaw...

You’re Using the Cloud and Didn’t Even Know It

A fair number of business owners are somewhat hesitant to embrace the cloud. That’s understandable, but the reality is that you’re probably already using cloud-based services yourself, and have been...

6 Things To Do If Your Data’s Been Breached

Sometimes, no matter how careful you are and how many precautions you take, the worst happens. Your company is successfully hacked. Given the number and sophistication of hacking attacks in recent...

Three Simple Hints to Take Better Smartphone Pictures This Holiday

The holidays are upon us, and with their arrival come lots and lots of photo ops. These days, almost everyone has a smartphone, and some people have more than one. Almost every smartphone comes...

SSD or HDD: Which Drive Is Right For Your Computers?

Reliability and longevity are of special importance to business owners. The longer equipment can be made to last without needing repair or replacement, the better a company’s bottom line looks. A good...

Could Your Company Benefit From Security Cameras?

In recent months, there’s been a tremendous amount of attention focused on upgrading corporate IT security, and with good reason. Hacking attacks are growing in both number and sophistication, and...

Three Ways a Network Audit Can Save You Money

Audits. Nobody likes the term, and often, the mere mention of an audit is enough to make business owners cringe. It doesn’t have to be like that – audits can actually be opportunities. They highlight...

How to Move from Apple to Android Mobile Devices

Apple jealously guards its ecosystem. That’s been true since the first Macs rolled off the assembly line, and some people love it. Others, however, find it a bit restrictive. If you’re one of those...

If You Haven’t Made Equipment Purchases This Year – Hurry!

As a business owner, you know how important it is to take advantage of every tax deduction you can. Section 179 can be a huge boon to you, but only if you act before December 31 of this year. What is...