For many businesses, the processes of recruiting are much the same as they were twenty years ago. While the technology of almost every other aspect of business has changed drastically over time, many...
Periodically, The internet is all abuzz with rumors that Facebook is about to make changes to its privacy policy. When those rumors start flying, The idea that Facebook is about to change everyone’s...
There is little doubt that Facebook is one of the most powerful tools that can be used by businesses to market their products and services. While many make this assumption based solely on the sheer...
The Target breach had absolutely horrendous consequences, and many businesses are struggling to up their security. New employees, technologies, and features are being put into place in attempts to...
You’re running late for that meeting. Donut in one hand and phone in the other, you run through the pouring rain to get to your car when your battery light starts flashing. “Plug in your charger,”...
As with many technology issues, the question that often goes unanswered is where to begin. Often, companies feel the need to jump into the middle of the latest competitively essential technologies...
As a small business owner, the collective voice of your customers is something you should be paying attention to. Of course, you want to pay attention to individual voices as well, but the big picture...
Over three years ago, Samsung indicated that in the near future, the company was interested in developing “transparent” displays that weren’t meant just for offices and those who were wealthy enough...
You know you want it: more traffic. You want people to go to your website and browse it, whether they buy something or not. You assume that once it’s built, people will come, and you want more people...