

The Apple Watch – The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Apple Watch has finally arrived and the reviews are starting to come in. Prerelease reviews have the piece of technology somewhere between another Apple attempt at selling useless features for a...

Microsoft’s Windows 7 Doomed To Obscurity

Will Microsoft do it again? The company, in its shift to a mobile strategy, has begun the phasing out of Windows 7. While Windows 7 has been far more successful than its predecessor, Windows Vista...

Is Apple’s Mac OS X Really So Secure?

Whether you are talking with Appleheads or Byteheads, the issue of the security of Apple’s operating systems has been a debate that has continued for decades. Many Apple computer users firmly state...

Windows 10 Set To Say Goodbye To Passwords

Passwords everywhere, with every system, with every account you have. You forget your passwords, or they are weak passwords that are easily picked off. Your company’s IT department spends countless...

The Dangers of Ransomware: Cryptowall 3.0

Ransomware is a type of malware that infects your computer and encrypts your data until you actually pay to have it removed. The first sign of trouble is usually some sort of text telling you that...

DDoS Attacks Remain Popular

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have been around for a while, but since the turn of the millennia we have seen an increasing use of DDoS attacks that target large corporations, small...

Ways Small Business Can Leverage Big Data

Big data can often seem daunting to many small and medium-sized businesses, but by utilizing it most SMBs stand a great deal to gain. Unfortunately, many businesses today are missing out on the great...

Five categories of Business Applications You Should Be Using

There is a world of applications out there and they’re all claiming to be the next big thing for your business. You may have been tempted to go hog-wild in the app store, loading up on everything you...

Is Microsoft Office For Tablets Fit Your Business?

Microsoft recently made available, for free, its core applications of its flagship Office Suite product – Word, Excel, and PowerPoint – to tablet users. There are a number of reasons Microsoft went in...