If you’ve heard the phrase, “Do what you love!” once, you’ve heard it a thousand timed. It’s a cliché, but the funny thing about cliches is that they got to be cliches because they also happen to be...
One of the problems with searching the Internet for the “best” lists is that what is a great fit for one company is just average for another. One way to find your way through the maze of lists is to...
Until quite recently, phishing attacks were the primary means of infecting a target computer with malware. If a hacker could convince a person to click on a link in an email, the deed was done...
The competition between Vine and Instagram isn’t really about Vine and Instagram. To better understand what the competition is truly about, and what’s driving it at the root, you need to first...
The biggest name in internet based video is Youtube. Yes, there are an assortment of other sites, but if you have a limited budget and limited time, you want to put your resources to work in the place...
You may not be familiar with the name Travis Kalanick. He’s the CEO of Uber, one of the major players in the “Ridesourcing” craze. The idea is that if you need a lift somewhere, you download Uber and...
Should you be gearing up to take advantage of T-Commerce? If Twitter has anything to say about it, the answer to that question is a resounding “Yes”. In an attempt to gain profitability, Twitter is...
If you are a small or medium business, and especially if you are a recent start up, the subject of being paid is one which should be on your mind all the time. A sale is not a sale until the money is...
Twitter, it seems, is in a bit of trouble. Whether true or not, the growing sentiment is that Twitter is losing the social media war to Facebook. Increasingly, the two are seen as competing in the...