When things are going well and the profits are pouring in, then perhaps a focus on cost savings doesn’t have to be at the top of your priority list. Most companies though, in these days of slim...
IBM’s latest project is called SyNAPSE, and its purpose is to create a computer with a system architecture that closely resembles a human brain. This, it is believed will be the Next Big Thing in...
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the IT jargon waters, here comes another new buzzword to boggle your mind. In this case, however, the term is fairly straightforward and almost user...
A very smart man named Seth Godin once said that it takes three to five years to become an overnight success. There’s a lot of truth to that. In terms of your web based presence, getting even a single...
If you’re not analyzing and studying your competition, then you’re probably giving away a powerful strategic weapon, because odds are they’re analyzing and studying you. You’d be amazed at how few...
The more things change, the more they stay the same. This is a story we hear repeated far too often in the press. A company, or in this case, a non-profit, seemed to believe itself to be immune from...
Business travel is a fact of life for many of us. Some people dread it, others love it, most of us simply endure it. Here are some ways to make it cheaper, more effective and more endurable. Booking...
A fool and his identity are soon parted. Don’t be a fool, and don’t fall for Facebook or other scams. Facebook isn’t the only place you’ll find these, but the social media giant has ushered in a new...
You’ve been hearing about the internet of objects. You’ve been hearing about Kickstarter and other crowdfunding sites that are empowering individual inventors and ushering in a new wave of innovation...