

Are Hackers Using Popular Assistant Devices To Listen To Users?

The utility of virtual assistants like Amazon’s Alexa and Google Home are undeniable.  They’re just genuinely handy devices to have around. Unfortunately, they’re also prone to abuse...

Windows 10 Will Get Android Phone Call Integration Features

Microsoft may have given up on the idea of putting their Windows operating system on smartphones, but that doesn’t mean they’ve given up on smartphones altogether. Recently, the company...

Tamper Protection Enabled By Default In Windows 10 Update

Do you have the new Windows 10? If you’re not sure, the most recent version (as of the time this article was written) is version 1903, which was the May 2019 update. Assuming you’ve got...

Support For Microsoft Office 2010 Ending Soon Upgrade Recommended

Are you still using Microsoft Office 2010? If so, Microsoft recently issued a reminder you’re not going to like hearing. Extended Support for Office 2010 expires on October 13th, 2020, so time...

Twitter Utilized User 2FA Phone Numbers For Ad Targeting

Twitter isn’t having a good year.  Over the past twelve months, the company has fessed up to half a dozen bugs and blunders that have left the company with egg on their faces and have earned the...

Screen Protectors Circumvent Fingerprint Security On Samsung Devices

Do you own a Samsung Galaxy S10?  If so, one of the reasons you bought it may be because of its cutting-edge biometric technology. It utilizes ultrasounds to create a detailed 3D map of your...

RobbinHood Ransomware Another Reason To Back Up Your Systems

The creators of the dreaded ‘Robbinhood’ ransomware strain are putting their reputation to work for them.  The hackers have recently modified their ransom note in a couple of important...

Pitney Bowes Company Recently Hit By Ransomware

If you’re a business owner, you probably utilize at least a few of the services Pitney Bowes offers.  They maintain a global shipping, mailing, e-commerce and financial services empire that...

Malicious Apps Continue Getting Past Google On Play Store

Say what you want about Google, but the company has a solid track record of doing all they can to keep the Google Play Store relatively free of malicious apps. By most accounts, they have been wildly...