Prevention - centric cybersecurity

Discover the New BLOKWORX Partner Portal: Your Ultimate Resource Hub


  At BLOKWORX, we are committed to empowering our partners with the best tools, knowledge, and support to excel in the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity. We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new Partner Portal, designed to be a one-stop shop for all your needs as a BLOKWORX partner. Key Features of the […]

Learning from the CrowdStrike Outage: Why Testing Matters in Cybersecurity


  In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, incidents like the recent CrowdStrike outage serve as important reminders of why thorough testing and robust processes are crucial. CrowdStrike, known for its endpoint security services used by organizations worldwide, recently faced a significant disruption due to an error during a routine software update. This outage not only […]

Unveiling the Dark Web: A Dive into the Cyber Underworld

Dark Web

The Dark Web: In the vast world of the internet, beyond the usual websites we visit daily like search engines and social media platforms, exists a hidden realm known as the Dark Web. Often in stories and movies, the Dark Web isn’t just a myth—it’s a critical aspect of cybersecurity that demands attention and awareness. […]

Closing the Gap Between Detection and Disclosure in Cybersecurity

detection and disclosure

Threat Detection and Disclosure We should have a discussion about dwell time or lag time between finding a threat and reporting a threat as it’s going to become more important in the threat landscape. What is dwell time or lag time? On an endpoint, it would be the time between a threat making it to […]

Protecting Your Business from Advanced Cyber Threats: How BLOKWORX Secures Your Digital Frontier


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, threat actors continually formulate new methods to exploit vulnerabilities. A recent report by Check Point Research highlights a sophisticated attack involving zero-day vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, specifically using Internet Shortcut files to lure victims. This type of attack, identified as CVE-2024-38112, highlights the importance of robust and prevention-centric cybersecurity […]

The Intersection of Mental Health and Cybersecurity in the Workplace

mental health

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the mental well-being of employees is more important than ever. Mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and burnout can significantly impact an employee’s ability to stay frosty against cybersecurity threats. Stressed or unfocused employees are more likely to click on phishing emails, fall for social engineering tactics, or inadvertently […]

Navigating Cybersecurity Legislation and Compliance: Beyond Frameworks

Compliance frameworks play a crucial role in addressing cybersecurity concerns within organizations. However, it is important to acknowledge their limitations. While these frameworks provide a baseline for protecting sensitive data and meeting regulatory requirements, they may not offer absolute protection against the rapidly evolving landscape of cyber threats. Therefore, organizations should consider adopting additional measures, […]

Protecting Privacy in an AI-Driven World

  As technology rapidly advances, artificial intelligence (AI) is at the forefront, changing how we live with personalized recommendations and virtual assistants. However, as AI becomes more powerful, the risks of its misuse also grow. Balancing the benefits of AI with the need to protect our privacy is becoming harder. Now more than ever, we […]

Current Ransom Threats and How to Prevent!

  Ransomware is still an ongoing nightmare and customers are being hit with it daily. Not all attacks will be high-profile but there will be countless attacks per week (successful attacks). As an example, I will put data as of 5/27/2024 below –   United States – 47 attacks France – 6 attacks UK – […]

The Hidden Cost of Free Apps: What’s Really at Stake?

What is the price when an app is free? We see this all the time, an application is free to use and promises no catches, but is it really free? The long and short is most commonly no, the app is not free, and while there might be some which are absolutely free with no […]

Unveiling the Art of Steganography: Hiding Threats in Plain Sight

The art of hiding in plain sight is something most special agents strive for as it gives them the ability to slip in and out without drawing attention to themselves. Threat actors are doing the same thing with steganography to move into environments without drawing any attention to themselves. Stega…what? Yea, I know, big word […]

Mastering Incident Response and Management: A Key to Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity incidents have become an unfortunate reality for organizations of all sizes and industries. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, the results of these incidents can be severe, ranging from financial loss to reputational damage. It’s not a matter of if, but when and how bad these days. That’s why having a robust incident response […]