Prevention - centric cybersecurity

The Doors You Leave Open are Making You Vulnerable

We may not mean to, but all too often we set ourselves up for failure or attack. In this case, we’re talking about basic network security. You might be thinking that since your network login is password protected, you’re covered. You might make the assumption that since you’ve had your IT guys put up a […]

What You Need to Know About Amazon’s Delivery Drones

By now, you’ve probably heard all the buzz and excitement about Amazon’s plan to use drones to deliver at least some of its packages and parcels. Some critics are saying that it’s merely a publicity stunt, and while that’s certainly possible, it doesn’t seem very likely. Amazon isn’t well known for doing publicity stunts of […]

All About Google Cloud Print

The Cloud just got a little bit cooler. Have you ever wanted to create your own wireless global network? Have you ever been in the midst of collaborating with someone, have them design something for you, then have to mail it to you so you could print it out? Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you […]

How To Get Your Email Under Control

Too many of us are slaves to our email. The volume is just crushing, and every year, the total number of emails generated keeps increasing. It’s completely out of hand. If you’re being slowly crushed by the weight of your inbox, here are a few simple tricks you can use to help get your life […]

Are You Vulnerable To “Bust Out” Fraud?

There are a dizzying array of threats to watch out for these days. Hacks, Denial of Service attacks, corporate espionage, and more. Sometimes it can be exhausting keeping up with all the ways that our most important information can be compromised. The problem, of course, is that these threats don’t just go away because you […]

Three Amazing Kickstarter Projects That Inspire Small Business Leaders

In the crowdfunding ecosystem, Kickstarter is the largest and best known site. There are a staggering array of projects to review and take inspiration from, with more being added on a daily basis. Below are some of the more intriguing ones we researched for this piece, just to give you a feel for what’s out […]

Five Tips For A Smooth PowerPoint Presentation

After taking all the time to prepare the graphics, write the script, and rehearse your PowerPoint presentation, the last thing you want to have happen is a minor oversight that will turn your effort into consternation. You can significantly minimize your chances of having to interrupt the proceedings by incorporating these five pointers into your […]

Five Tech Stocks Worth Watching

In the tech world, sometimes the more things change, the more they stay the same. With this quarter’s earnings reports in, and some exciting news on the horizon for some of the biggest names in tech, here are five companies you’ve almost certainly heard of which are ones to watch for the rest of the […]

Four Outstanding Innovations For 2014

The pace of technological innovation seems to be increasing every year, and this year is certainly no exception. With so many fantastic advances parading across the headlines, sometimes it can be hard to keep track of them all. Below, we’ve found four of the best of the best from 2014 so far. You may have heard […]

Why Those Terms Of Service Are A Must Read

When was the last time you actually stopped to read the Terms of Service (TOS) agreement for a web-based service you use? Every service has them, from Gmail to Paypal, from Alibaba to Zillow, and most of them are fairly mundane. Long-winded lessons in legalese that attempt to protect the company from lawsuits for just […]

How To Use Yahoo Local

Yahoo might be considered by some to be an also-ran, a relic from the younger days of the internet. If that is your thinking, you may want to reconsider. This also-ran gets between 164 and 172 million unique visitors a month on their Yahoo Local service according to and SEMrush. If that kind of […]

Apple Replaces Defective iPhone Batteries

Apple has recently issued a hardware recall on some iPhone 5 batteries. If you purchased your phone between September 2012 and January 2013, then you may be eligible for replacement batteries, as your tech was produced during the time frame when the bad batteries found their way into some iPhones. I May Be Impacted, What […]