The digital migration of our workforce has created a perfect storm for cybercriminals to exploit. Today, the average US company uses 16 cloud services. With a patchwork of devices and systems to manage, a unified front is the only way of stopping threats that come your way. As we know, prevention beats recovery any day of the week.

It’s no secret that moving to the cloud offers benefits of scale. However, it also invites vulnerabilities across email, storage, real-time collaboration, and other use cases. Working from home is the new reality for most employees, but a distributed workforce comes with more attack surface to cover and requires advanced monitoring.

Although what we’re currently dealing with is somewhat unprecedented, the problem isn’t entirely new.

When Henry Ford brought mass production to automobile manufacturing in 1913, all of a sudden there were cars on the road. America learned the hard way that safety had to follow. Once the problem began costing lives, we finally began improving infrastructure, leveraging technology, and changing behavior.

Cybersecurity should be no different. It’s a system, and everyone plays a role in protecting profits, employees, and customers. At the same time, we recognize that it’s incredibly difficult to juggle accessibility and security. Whether you’re an MSP, financial services company, or mom-and-pop flower shop, delivering value to clients and building your business comes top of mind. As it should.

We believe that no one should have to face cyber threats alone. There’s just too much to keep up with, and we’ve seen what happens when security gets spread too thin. By the time you’re recovering from a backup after a security incident, it’s too late. Brand reputation and trust erodes, driving down sales and customer loyalty. But such a nightmare is entirely preventable.

That’s where we come in. Our solutions cut overhead costs and help you focus on what you do best. By combining state-of-the-art tools with 24/7/365 expert monitoring, we secure your entire environment to protect against cybercrime and financial loss.

Cheers to a 2021 filled with less headlines about ransomware incidents and data breaches.

Meet SCUD. Through anti-phishing, malware, ransomware, and account takeover defenses, it can protect your cloud services including Office 365, Azure, Onedrive, Sharepoint, Google Suite and Dropbox. Learn more at and reach out if you have questions!