Not even dentists are safe from hackers, and if they’ve been targeted, your company could easily be targeted in much the same way. Recently, the ADA (American Dental Association) sent USB flash drives...
There seems to be no end of trouble for the beleaguered Flash Player and those who use it. Not long ago, yet another critical security flaw was found in the player, designated as CVE-2016-4117 by...
If you have an account on LinkedIn, you may recall that they suffered a data breach back in 2012. At the time, they force-reset the passwords of all users believed to be impacted. Unfortunately, it...
How much does a “bad hire” cost your company? Probably more than you think. In a recent survey conducted by CareerBuilder, a staggering 41% of companies estimated that a bad hire cost their firm more...
Let’s face it, no one likes to wait. What you may not have known, however, is that your slow internet connection could be detrimental to your health. If that raises a curious eyebrow, here’s the more...
There have been a lot of articles all over the web, outlining the width and breadth of various data breaches, some of which have seen the hackers make off with tens, or even hundreds of millions of...
An interesting update to Google Translate just made it easier to use if you’re an Android user. Before the update, if you were reading something, and came across a language you didn’t understand...
It may sound like science fiction, but researchers have now proven that computer viruses can not only be transmitted via your computer’s audio system, they can even communicate with each other via...
You may not know the name Dag Kittlaus, but you almost certainly know his creation, Siri, which was the world’s first voice-based digital assistant. Since Siri’s creation and launch, most of the big...