

ADP Latest To Get Hit By Hackers – Was Your Account Affected?

ADP is the world’s largest HR firm, handling tax and payroll accounts for more than 640,000 companies that collectively employ millions of people. It may be possible that your company is one of the...

Email Password Hack Not As Bad As First Thought

Not long ago, a company called Hold Security issued a report of its rather disturbing finding. A massive database was found for sale in the dark corners of the internet, containing nearly three...

Dropbox Will No Longer Support Windows XP

The news keeps getting worse for users still clinging to the aging Windows XP operating system. First, Microsoft itself stopped supporting the platform, no longer providing the millions of users still...

Millions of Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo Passwords Have Been Breached

Alex Holden is one of the good guys. You’ve probably never heard of him, but he works for Hold Security, and spends his time in the dark corners of the internet, scouting out what data the hacking...

Hackers Are Looking At Your Company For Credit Card Data

The numbers are in, and they’re pretty grim. Trustware has released their annual Global Security Report, which outlines the current trends in cybercrime. Chief among the findings in the report is that...

Cheap Router Blamed For Hack – Are You Running Business-Grade Solutions?

Earlier this year, Bangladesh Bank, one of the largest in the nation of Bangladesh, was successfully breached. The keen hackers made off with a staggering $80 million, when they used the bank’s system...

HIPAA Fines Are Real, Laptop Theft Costs Company $3.9 Million

Does your company work with health information in any capacity? If it does, be advised, HIPAA violations are real, and can cost you and your business big money. The most recent company to find itself...

Email Privacy Act Revision Could Add Better Protections

On the heels of the FBI’s dustup with Apple Computer, the Judiciary committee of the U.S. House of Representatives has advanced a bill to the full chamber that would give cloud-stored data and emails...

Millions of Windows XP Machines are Not Secure, Is Yours?

Windows XP was, by any measure, the most successful and ubiquitous operating system of all time. To this day, now two years after Microsoft formally ended support for the platform, there are still...